The goal of our Eclipse IoT challenge project is to develop a robot arm which can execute tasks. This involves the integration of multiple information sources into a framework. Simulation is used to design and runtime analysis of the system. Computer vision is responsible to recognize the objects to be moved and also detect dangerous situation. The controller is designed with the help of statechart models and automated code generation provided the implementation. Various open-source IoT technologies provided the communication and integration between the components.
The result is a complex IoT application with many communicating components ensuring the execution of tasks related to the robot domain. Note that in this phase our robot executes only simple tasks however this architecture is easy to be configured to execute more complex missions too.
From the theoretical side, the most involved tasks were the following:
- Design a controller with model-based techniques. Finally, a hierarchical solution with multiple-layers of abstraction was chosen. A simple mission is depicted here.
- Developing physical model in OpenModelica with such a precision that could be used to predict the behaviours of the robot
- Configure OpenCV to recognize the situations and minimize false alarms.
We have successfully implemented model-driven LEGO robot crane and summarize our research and engineering successes in the following points.
- We have developed and built a LEGO crane with multiple motors and sensors.
- We have developed custom python scripts to control the robot and prevent dangerous situations.
- We have developed and analysed the control logic as Yakindu statechart models to control the robot movements and specify complex and hierarchical tasks.
- We have implemented the communication infrastructure with MQTT protocol to communicate with remote components, sensors and the robot. We utilized Eclipse Paho and Mosquitto.
- Additionally, we have applied sensors and complex computer vision to detect terrain objects around the robot and guide it. We used OpenCV for this purposes and MQTT for the communication.
- We have simulated the behaviour of the motors and the physical environment with OpenModelica to continuously analyse and predict the future states of the robot. Note that this component was designed to support cloud deployment to exploit the huge computational power of cloud systems.
For an overview of related IoT technologies, see the picture below:

For a short demo, find the related post here!
For further details, please read our blog!