Status report of the MODES3 project

We are now at the finish!

The distributed logic developed in Yakindu is nearly finished. We are now also finishing the MQTT based communication between the components. Valudation and verification helped us to find design errors in the developed protocol! IncQuery and VIATRA really helped our work. The integration testing of the distributed protocol will be conducted tomorrow, stay tuned!

The hardware system is also under design. Many of the components have already produced and integrated, most of the BeagleBone devices are built into the system. Now, we have som problem caused by a short circuit, but hopefully we will solve also these problems in the next few days!

Computer vision can recognize the movement of the trains and also the EMF metamodell is developed to feed the VIATRA-CEP engine with complex events. Our contribution to the open-soruce complex event processing engine is on the way, we have used some cool formal stuff to enhance the language and also the execution. New timing extensions can be used in the language and the semantics were also changed. Our improvements will probably be presented at the 1st Workshop on Monitoring and Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems , we have sent an abstract there. So hopefully we can meet at the CPS Week in Vienna!

We have some problems with the real-time chip of the BeagleBone, so we now plan to use a real-time operating system in the BBB-s and we will use the runtime monitors on the application processor.

Our Lego robot used to help the transportation is also under development. Computer vision was tested and the controller is also finished. However, we are now debugging the MQTT communication between the components.

OpenModelica models are used to simulate the movement of the robot. We can predict not only the movement of the robot, but also the validate the commands we plan to send!

After this hard working weekend, we plan to integrate the components together! Follow our work in this blog, and watch the pictures and videos here!

Statecharts are everywhere! #4 – Validation & Verification

In the previous parts of Statecharts are everywhere series we discussed a lot of things. First, we talked about what xtUML BridgePoint Editor is, and how we designed the ‘safety logic’ with it. Second, we talked about the reasons why we switched from BridgePoint to YAKINDU Statechart Tools (SCT). Third, we introduced YAKINDU Statechart Tools.

Now, we are going to talk about the validation features delivered with SCT, and our extensions: validation based on incremental graph matching, and verification based on timed automaton formalism.

YAKINDU Statechart Tools (SCT) comes with a Validation framework that ensures the detection of unreachable states, dead ends and references to unknown events. These validation constraints are checked live during editing [1].


This framework is based on the Xtext’s Validation features that provide both syntactical and semantical validation. The syntactical correctness of any textual input is validated automatically by the parser and any broken cross-references can be checked generically [2]

Semantical validation means the developer of the grammar (that can be either textual, or graphical) can write validation rules in Java language for model elements. These rules are applied on the model and if they are not justified, then an error message is shown in the editor. More on validation can be read in the documentation of Xtext.

This way it can be ensured, that the model is valid, because it meets the well-formedness constraints it was set against.

Built-in validation rules

After the introduction, let us see, what validation rules are built in SCT [3]. They mostly inherit from the semantics of (UML) statecharts, that is a well researched area.

  1. A state must have a name.
  2. Node is not reachable.
  3. A final state should have no outgoing transition.
  4. A state should have at least one outgoing transition.
  5. Initial entry should have no incoming transition.
  6. Initial entry should have a single outgoing transition
  7. Entries must not have more than one outgoing transition
  8. Outgoing transitions from entries can not have a trigger or guard.
  9. Outgoing transitions from entries can only target to sibling or inner states.
  10. Exit node should have no outgoing transition.
  11. Exit node should have at least one incoming transition
  12. Exit node in top level region not supported – use final states instead.
  13. A choice must have at least one outgoing transition.
  14. The region can’t be entered using the shallow history. Add a default entry node.
  15. The region can’t be entered using the shallow history. Add a transition from default entry to a state.
  16. The source / target states of a synchronization must be orthogonal.
  17. The source / target states of a synchronization have to be contained in the same parent state within different regions.

Some other rules that are applied on the SCT model as well [4], but they do not necessarily come from the statechart semantics.

  1. A choice should have at least one outgoing default transition.
  2. In/Out declarations are not allowed in internal scope.
  3. Local declarations are not allowed in interface scope.
  4. The evaluation result of a time expression must be of type integer.
  5. The evaluation result of a guard expression must be of type boolean.
  6. Target state has regions without ‘default’ entries.
  7. Region must have a ‘default’ entry.
  8. The named entry is not used by incoming transitions.
  9. The named exit is not used by outgoing transitions.
  10. The parent composite state has no ‘default’ exit transition.
  11. The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable.
  12. Missing trigger. Transisition is never taken. Use ‘oncycle’ or ‘always’ instead.

EMF IncQuery

Bence, who is a friend of ours has extended the validation rules mentioned before with new ones. But these rules were composed using EMF IncQuery and are applied by its Validation Framework, rather than the Xtext Validation Framework.

EMF-IncQuery is a framework for defining declarative graph queries over EMF models, and executing them efficiently without manual coding in an imperative programming language such as Java.

With EMF-IncQuery, you can:

More on the EMF IncQuery Validation Framework can be read in its documentation.

EMF-IncQuery Validation Framework


Bence composed new validation rules in the IncQuery’s declarative query specification laguage. These rules are applied on the statechart model. If a rule is violated by the referred model then an error message is displayed next to it.

So how is IncQuery supposed to be used for validation? We are going to show you in an example.


The first pattern is responsible for returning declared events that are not used in the state machine. The validation message is defined by the Constraint annotation above the first pattern. The second pattern is an auxiliary pattern.

First of all, let us talk about how to define IncQuery patterns. Let us take a look at the first pattern. Note, that the pattern name must be preceded by the „pattern” keyword. Between parantheses we must declare what nodes of the instance model we want access to. Naturally, the given name must appear in the pattern body and refer to a node type.

„Event : EventDefinition” says that we will want access to the nodes that we refer to as „event” in the pattern body and they are instances of „EventDefinition”. Then, the pattern body must be constructed. Each line states something about the result set. „EventDefinition(event);” states, that through „event” we only want to refer to nodes that are instances of „EventDefinition”. Patterns can be reused with the „find” keyword. This can be imagined as a function call: all of the statements of the called pattern will be applied in the pattern we call it from. To invert the meaning of the find keyword it must be preceded by the „neg” modifier. It forbids the match of the called pattern with the given parameterization.

In the second pattern we want to return nodes, instances of„EventDefinition”, that are not referred by any instance of „FeatureCall” or „ElementReferenceExpression”. FeatureCall.feature(_featureCall, event);” states that there must be a „FeatureCall” instance that has a „feature” reference to „event” (which is as stated before is an instance of EventDefinition). The statements are in a logical AND relation. As you can see, OR relation can be declared as well using the „or” keyword.

To mark the unused events for the Yakindu user a Constraint annotation must be defined. In the annotation the target editor, the message and the severity must be given apart from the elements that we want to mark. The elements are returned by the pattern the annotation is bound to.

New validation rules

The high-level purposes of the validation rules are to reduce the ambiguity and nondeterminism of the design models and to avoid bad design practises and structures.

  1. The transition has the same trigger as another transition in the parallel region, but different action.
  2. This transition is in a circle of always triggered transition causing a livelock.
  3. Ambiguity. This transition is not the only default transition of the exit event.
  4. The transition has the same trigger as another transition, which is on a higher level in the state hierarchy.
  5. Same trigger used on outgoing transitions.
  6. The transition is covered by an always triggered transition.
  7. This choice should have at least two outgoing transitions.
  8. This final state should have no outgoing transition.
  9. This exit should have no outgoing transition.
  10. This entry should have no incoming transition.
  11. This entry has more than one outgoing transition.
  12. Missing trigger. Transition is never taken. Use ‘always’ instead.
  13. This region has no entry node.
  14. This region has more than one entry node.
  15. Unreachable vertex.
  16. Unused variable.
  17. Unused event.


Verification is used for making sure the designed system meets its requirements, and work as we imagined. Although there are a lot of verification techniques, we use timed automaton formalism and computational tree logic.


We chose timed automaton formalism because it is similar to the formal operation of YAKINDU statecharts (in theory), and we already have practise with UPPAAL. UPPAAL is an industry-wide known tool for formal verification of real-timed systems by timed automata.

UPPAAL uses a subset of Computational Tree Logic (CTL for short). The UPPAAL query language consists of a path formula quantified over none, one, more or all paths of the model. Specifications used in UPPAAL can be classified into reachability, safety and liveness properties. Next figure illustrates the formulae supported by UPPAAL. Filled circles represent those states for which a given state formulae hold.


Model transformation

Besides the validation rules, Bence developed a model transformation plugin for Yakindu as well. The plugin transforms a chosen SCT model into a timed automaton, and automatically generates CTL expressions for formal verification.

The model transformation plugin is continuously evolving to support all features (e.g. choice, entry, exit nodes, parallel regions, etc) of statecharts.

As an example the design and formal models of main region of Section statechart is depicted in the next figures.

Design model:


Formal model:


Finally, the formal verification result of the timed automata transformed from the Section statechart is depicted in the next figure.


Designing the PCB for Beaglebone Black

In the previous entries, we already talked about that we would use Beaglebone Black units to run our safety logic, but in my opinion, these systems have a problem: they could work only if you provide them 5V power source. Of course it’s not that big problem if you are starting a new project based on these computers, because you could choose your power source as you want.

But in our case, we already had a 12V power source under the hood. Furthermore we should use 12V source to feed railway lights, so we had to find out a solution. In one of my previous entries I already made a prototype, which would do the trick for us. But we need to install this solution somehow on the Beaglebone, so this weekend I designed a PCB (printed circuit board) to place this solution. 

Here is the final version:  


Disclaimer: I may call it final version, but every evening I find something to modify. So this is maybe not the final version, but it will have no major modification in the near future.

First try, first failure

At the beginning, I started to design our board with Eagle: this program is a lightweight designer for PCBs, and it’s lovable for its multiplatform quality, so it was perfect for me. But I merely started to design anything, one problem came after another. The biggest of all, I couldn’t find any libraries which would give the footprint of our chosen power module, the TI LMZ22005.

Intermezzo: we chose this module because it’s super easy to install on any design. You should only use some capacitors and resistors, and you are done (not to mention, the values of these elements are also provided by TI).

So, I had to make a decision: shall I go on with eagle and design the footprint of the power module myself, which hold the danger of faulty design, or choose another program and learn how to use it. Bálint pointed out that he heard good reviews about the Altium Circuit Maker program, and after a short test, we decided we should give it a try.

Can I invite you for a cup of coffee?

If you are starting to use a new software, first it’ll be totally unfamiliar for you. So you should learn how it works, how can you accomplish what you want, etc. For PCB designer applications, it’s more difficult: they have great set of functionality, tremendous preferences. That’s why for the first couple of hours I had to work as “we were just getting to know each other”.


But in the end, I managed to design the circuit. I chose every elements of it (it’s a big help that you have oodles parts from Octopart which you could use), I “just” had to route the PCB itself.

The routing

So, after the logical design, you have to place every element on the board and figure it out how you should make connections between them – that’s the routing. For a senior PCB designer, it’s not that hard to do, but for me, who had no experience at all in making PCBs and in the program also, I had my lesson.


This work was all about patience: routing every single wire to the right place was not that hard, just time-killing, because measuring distances, the calculating and designing the perfect layout was hard. Not because of the math: if you do something wrong the board would be useless, you have to fix the problems and print it out again, but it costs a lot of money, so you kind of have only one shot. In the consciousness of this I took my time and measured everything twice, rethought anything at least once and I pursued the perfect solution.


Everything that has a beginning has an end

After finishing it, I talked to people who had more experience in designing, took their pieces of advice, and now I am waiting for the bid and I am hoping that it will not take us into bankruptcy.


Introducing our Model-based Demonstrator for Smart and Safe Systems

Hi everyone! Let me start by introducing our project called MoDeS3, which stands for Model-based Demonstrator for Smart and Safe Systems. The main goal of our IoT challenge application is to demonstrate the many cool and innovative ways in which open source modeling tools can be used for systems development in the age of Internet-of-Things.


Our case study is a railway system: users can control trains arbitrarily as long as it is not dangerous.  Accidents and dangerous situations are detected using sensors embedded into the track: they sense the trespass of the trains and send this information to the controllers. It is important to note that this is just local information, so we have to ensure that it will be shared between the components. We employ six BeagleBone Black (BBB) embedded computers to run the safety logic, configured as a distributed system, where each BBB is responsible for some track sections.

As you can imagine, the real software engineering challenge is how to develop the distributed safety logic. We use the open source Yakindu Statecharts tool to design the software components. It is much easier than manual programming, as it provides a code generator to produce C or Java code. 

In order to supercharge the expressive power of Yakindu models, we have developed custom validation and verification rules. For this purpose, we used the open source EMF-IncQuery engine. Our IncQueries can be used to analyse the well-formedness of the models, for example to check if the state chart is deterministic and complete. This turned-out to be a useful feature as many design time errors were found, well before deployment and debugging even began!  

In addition to the validators, we have also developed model transformations to generate formal models from the state chart models. These formal models, together with associated model checking tools such as UPPAAL, are used to check the deadlock freedom and reachability of the states in the model. In the future, we plan to work more in this direction, in order to automatically analyse other properties such as fault-tolerance properties. We developed the model transformations  using the VIATRA framework. 

To make distributed systems work in practice, we need communication channels. For this project, we are going to use MQTT for its simplicity, reliability and flexibility. The open source Eclipse Paho framework helps us in establishing and maintaining the communication between the components. 

In order to provide system-wide safety guarantees,  we plan to build an additional layer on top of reliable communication channels, to facilitate runtime monitors. These smart components will evaluate the behaviour of the local components, and run locally on the PRU 32-bit microcontrollers of the BBBs. They will analyse if the communication works correctly and there is no problem within the controller itself.

To augment local monitors, the overall system status will be monitored using computer vision techniques. For this purpose, we attached a camera to a stage above the tracks that will observe the movement of the trains. The video stream is processed by OpenCV, a state-of-the-art open source computer vision library. We have implemented train recognition algorithms to detect the position of the trains. 

The combination of local monitoring data and computer vision data will be aggregated on the system level and processed using complex event processing (CEP). The role of this high-level monitoring technique is to integrate multiple monitoring data sources and make sure that if the distributed safety logic does not work correctly, this additional level of logic can still bring the system to a safe state. Our system-level safety framework will be built using an open source complex event processing engine called VIATRA-CEP

Statecharts are everywhere! #3 – Getting started with YAKINDU Statechart Tools

After leaving BridgePoint, it was time to get started with YAKINDU Statechart Tools. Let’s start with an official introduction of YAKINDU Statechart Tools from its website:

The free to use, open source toolkit YAKINDU Statechart Tools (SCT) provides an integrated modeling environment for the specification and development of reactive, event-driven systems based on the concept of statecharts.

Following figures are from the website of YAKINDU Statechart Tool.


SCT features an intuitive combination of graphical and textual notation. While states, transitions and state hierarchies are graphical elements, all declarations and actions are specified using a textual notation. The usability of the statechart editor is simply fascinating.


The validation of state machines includes syntax and semantic checks of the full model. Examples of built in validation rules are the detection of unreachable states, dead ends and references to unknown events. These validation constraints are checked live during editing.


The simulation of state machine models allows the dynamic semantics to be checked. Active states are directly highlighted in the statechart editor and a dedicated simulation perspective features access to execution controls, inspection and setting variables, as well as raising events.

Code generation

SCT includes code generators for Java, C and C++ out of the box. The code generators follow a code-only approach and do not rely on any additional runtime library. The generated code provides a well-defined interface and can be integrated easily with any client code.

After the marketing part, let’s get some hands-on experience with Yakindu. It has a really intuitive and exhaustive documentation with lots of tutorials and video instructions. One can get familiar with Yakindu in an hour or so.

Transforming BridgePoint models to Yakindu statecharts

 As I mentioned in the previous parts of this post series (#1, #2), I designed a lot of state machines in xtUML BridgePoint Editor. However, we had some serious issues with BridgePoint, so we switched for Yakindu Statechart Tool. We hoped it would be a statechart designer suite that enables simulation and code generation too.

Since BridgePoint follows the xtUML methodology is based on Shlaer-Mellor Method of Model-Driven Architecture that is an object-oriented software development methodology (more on Wikipedia). This means we can design the structure of the state machine hierarchy in a class diagram manner depicted in the next figure.

As you can see classes can inherit from each other, however multiple inheritance is not allowed. This inheritance is similar to the virtual function concept of C++, and the abstract method concept of Java and C#. This means if the superclass does not handle an event, then its subclass must handle it. However it is not possible to redefine an event in subclass, that has already been handled by the superclass.

In Yakindu Statecharts this object-oriented concept is not followed, because it would be quite weird. Instead, we had to translate this in some respect hierarchical structure to a more convenient one.

That’s why we created a separate SCT model for the Section and the Turnout. Within each model we designed a hierachical statechart that consists of parallel regions, let’s see.


We introduced a general statechart for the Sections. It means in the figure above you can see that the Section was connected to the Turnout through three associations, which describes from which direction the Section connects to the Turnout (of course only one association was valid for each Section instance).

Now, this information is stored in a variable, called direction, which may have three values: STRAIGHT, DIVERGENT, TOP. In the statechart all the messages are compared to this direction value, and in this way the concept of direction has been preserved for the ‘safety logic’ protocol.

The statechart of the OccupiedSection, depicted below, can be compared to the former version here that was designed in BridgePoint.


The highest-level statechart of the Turnout is responsible for differentiating the recent direction of the Turnout. It means, whether the Turnout connects the straight – top or the divergent – top sections. In this way the former large columns of inheritance hierarhcy (depicted above) have been replaced with two composite states which contain parallel regions.

As an example the StraightTurnout state now handles the possible events in five parallel regions. This way multiple events can be handled from the safety logic protocol’s perspective, at one time. In the former version, if a lock request has been received by the Turnout, then it rejects and further requests. In the recent version it now handles the parallel requests independently. The statechart is too complicated to be depicted in this post, but you can see it on an external link here.


Yakindu Statechart Tool has a built-in validation framework for syntax and semantic checks of the created models.

It includes the
detection of unreachable states, dead ends and references to unknown
events. These validation constraints are checked live during editing.

E.g. for the Turnout model it found that several choice nodes, do not have a default outgoing transition. So it can be a problem, if at runtime there is no valid outgoing transition from a choice node.


We have not tried the Simulator for our models, because we were so eager to see the generated code working with the model railway track, that we skipped this stage.

Code generation

We used the built-in Java code generator to generate code from the statecharts. We connected the Section and Turnout models through the interfaces of the generated codes.

If they raise an event, that should be dispatched to each other, then it goes through the interfaces of the separate statecharts. In this way all statecharts are separated, can be configured and run individually.

Besides, we integrated our codebase, that is necessary to communicate with the model railway track’s embedded controllers, with the statecharts, so we managed to get the statecharts control and stop the trains if any dangerous situation emerges.

This way the ‘safety logic’ controls the model railway track finally.

Statecharts are everywhere! #2 – Leaving xtUML BridgePoint

In the last statecharts post I talked about the “safety logic” that prevents the trains collision. It was designed in xtUML BridgePoint Editor an open source model-driven design environment for developing embedded software by xtUML semantics.

As it happens in IT from time to time, a single tool may not be the best for all problems. So was it with BridgePoint.


Although BrdigePoint has a great statechart designer module (depicted in figure above), which improves productivity a lot, the other parts of the software has some defects.

The suite comes with a module called Verifier, though it should be called Simulator instead, that helps to simulate and validate your state machines in design time.


Since the Verifier can be connected to platform-specific implementation code (such as Java, C, C++) through an interface, at simulation time events can be sent from the state machines to this code and vice versa. Thus it gives you a real simulation environment that can be even made cyber-physical, if the platform-specific glue code is necassarry for controling trains on a model railway!

However, there are some problems with the Verifier.

Although it is single threaded, the interface that shall be used for raising events from the platform-specific code to the simulation environment often threw NullPointerException if we used it from multiple threads concurrently in Java. This bug was not justified by any means of the structure of the state machines or the platform-independent code written inside them. We reported this non-deterministic bug to the developers, but has not found any resolution yet.

Second, we caught some weird exceptions from the Verifier, that originated from the real depth of this module. Because xtUML BridgePoint Editor is open source, we received the advice to debug and fix the errors ourselves, and then push it its GitHub repository. The only problem was, the code base is huge and its quite difficult for a developer to get involved and fix the bug in a not too long time, because we shall develop our system as well.

After the Verifier, we had some problems with the code generator module too, called Model Compiler.

First, the generated C++ code could not fit in our Arduino Uno embedded controller’s program memory (read What this project was all about). It was mostly because of the complex structure of our state machines, so we decided to write an own model compiler using BridgePoint’s own query language, RSL.

Here comes the second and the greatest problem regarding the extensibility of BridgePoint. The RSL (Rule Specification Language) is a query language (just like SQL) that should be used if you would like to transform your platform independent state machines to platform-specific code.


Because the state machines are platform independent and they are model-based, they have a metamodel that describes what elements can be found in a state machine model. This metamodel is so complex and there are so many associations and non-trivial paths in it, e.g. fetching the exact order of the OAL expressions that are written within the states requires 10+ classes and associations to go through. Inspecting the meta model requires days, because it is separated for 30+ packages and 3-40+ classes are in each package. In the figure above the metamodel package for State Machine is depicted.

So if you have much time, maybe years, you can write your own code generator in BridgePoint.

That was when we started to look for a new statechart editor, and found Yakindu Statecharts. It is open source and much easier to be extended by a code generator.

Follow us in the next post.

Getting started with MQTT (Mosquitto and Paho)

As part of the Eclipse IoT Challange 2016, we shall use as many open source implementations of IoT standards, and Eclipse based technologies as we can. For communication we chose MQTT and its open source broker (Mosquitto) and client (Paho) implementation.


Here is a short description about MQTT from its homepage:

MQTT stands for MQ Telemetry Transport. It is a publish/subscribe, extremely simple and lightweight messaging protocol, designed for constrained devices and low-bandwidth, high-latency or unreliable networks. The design principles are to minimise network bandwidth and device resource requirements whilst also attempting to ensure reliability and some degree of assurance of delivery. These principles also turn out to make the protocol ideal of the emerging “machine-to-machine” (M2M) or “Internet of Things” world of connected devices, and for mobile applications where bandwidth and battery power are at a premium.

As you can find out, MQTT architecture consists of brokers and clients. Brokers interconnect clients through different topics. All clients receive the messages published to the topic they are subscribed for. A message can be anything that is convertible to a byte array. This way an N:N connection cardinality can be easily achieved as depicted on the next figure.

Different open source and proprietary implementations of MQTT brokers and clients exist in most programming languages (C, C++, Java, .NET, Python, JavaScript, etc) . We use Mosquitto as a broker, and Paho as a client implementation.


The Mosquitto broker is the focus of the project and aims to be a lightweight and function MQTT broker that can run on relatively constrained systems, but still be powerful enough for a wide range of applications.

To get started with Mosquitto visit its website at Download and install it on your computer. We use the binary compiled for Ubuntu as it works seamless.

The default address of the running Mosquitto service is tcp://localhost:1883, on localhost over TCP protocol at port 1883.

However, if you would not like to install Mosquitto yourself, there are two Mosquitto brokers publicly available online:

  1. One that is operated by Mosquitto website itself at
  2. One that is operated by Eclipse at tcp://


The Paho project provides open-source client implementations of MQTT and MQTT-SN messaging protocols aimed at new, existing, and emerging applications for Machine‑to‑Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT). 

To get started with Paho visit its website at and look for the client sample codes. We use Java Client through Maven.

 Demo time

Now we will provide some sample code snippets in Java which demostrate a “Hello World” message exchange between two clients. We use Maven for dependency management so the pom.xml is provided as well.

The code snippets are available at

Publisher (sender) client sample:

Subscriber (receiver) client sample:

Last but not least, the pom.xml that is necessary for Maven:


So far we have been satisfied with Paho and Mosquitto since they provide an open source implementation of the lightweight messaging protocol MQTT.

Happy coding!

A little history lesson

Before we start to talk anything about model railways, we need to understand how it works. But, because this article will be very long, I made a “read more” link right here – I apologise for the plus mouse-click, but it’ll be really long, really…

Analog and Digital Systems

Let me copy some text from Wikipedia here:

The earlier traditional analog systems where the speed and the direction of a train is controlled by adjusting the voltage on the track.

And another paragraph:

Digital model railway control systems are the modern alternative to control a layout and greatly simplify the wiring and add more flexibility in operations.

However, let’s go beyond wikipedia links 🙂

So, in the model railway “industry”, there are two solutions for controlling your trains: analog and digital controlling.

The analog systems are very simple: on each segment of the track you are able to adjust the voltage which empowers the trains, therefore this will affect their speed. For now you may have figured it out: if you want to stop a train, then you should set the voltage to zero on a segment where the train is moving. In this case, your train will stop, but because of the lack of power, there will be no other functions neither, like lamps on the locomotive, sound effects etc – this is kind of a deal-breaker in the eyes of an enthusiastic modeler.

So, the model railway industry was eager to find a solution, which keeps the opportunity to stop any train anywhere, but the functions mentioned earlier may remain still available. For that, every company developed digital systems for their locomotives, and with that move they ruined the joy of building it yourself – seriously, how could you enjoy it, if you have to be alerted which systems are compatible with each other? Bigger companies are adhered to their solutions (maybe until their death), so smaller companies have to work harder to cooperate with others.


But we could say that all these systems are based on the concept of decoders – each train should have this little controller, a unit which controls the whole train: the engines, the lamps, the little speaker(s), anything you want (or anything you can buy). These decoders are continuously measuring the voltage of the tracks, listening for commands on them, and if one command is addressed to the decoder, the decoder will accomplish the task. With this solution, the whole layout should have connection to the control center, so there are no need for segments at all – or is it?

DCC signal

Start with another Wikipedia quote:

Digital Command Control (DCC) is a standard for a system to operate model railways digitally. When equipped with Digital Command Control, locomotives on the same electrical section of track can be independently controlled.

The voltage to the track is a bipolar DC signal. This results in a form of alternating current, but the DCC signal does not follow a sine wave. Instead, the command station quickly switches the direction of the DC voltage, resulting in a modulated pulse wave. The length of time the voltage is applied in each direction provides the method for encoding data.

I could not say it better, that’s what DCC is all about. We could control locomotives even if there are more than one on a segment, we could send numerous commands to it, we can stop it etc. It’s very promising for us.

But our concept for our model railway was a little different: we don’t want to interfere with this system. We want to build a totally separated system beside this and let that system to decide autonomously about dangerous situations and avoid accidents. That’s where the ABC mode came across.

ABC mode

The whole idea came from this site, where the authors explained why and how this method works. In short: the decoders have a feature that if they sense asymmetric signal in the tracks, a difference between the two polarity, then they could stop the train (if they were configured properly).

But how could we achieve this? It’s really simple: we need to develop a circuit just like this:


Let me explain: if the booster is “sending” the DC signal in one way, then the signal has to go through one diode, and that causes 0.7V drop on the voltage. When it changes the polarity and “sends” the DC signal on the other way, then the signal goes through 4 diodes which means 2.8V drop on the voltage. In this case, the decoder will sense the difference in the signal and will stop the train on the segment.

But, I don’t talked about the relay yet! That’s because the relay was open until now, so it’s not participating anyhow in the circuit. So, if we close the relay, than there is a “better” way for the signal by going through the relay without any voltage-drop, and let’s be honest: these signals like to go through the smallest resistance, so they “choose” this way. In this case, there will be no voltage-drop at all.


I have asked a question before:

Do we need segments at all?

The answer: yes, we do. With the segments of the track, we could create little circuits, connect them into the system, so we could stop trains on each segment without any lack of other functions – which is not that necessary for our project, but still, it’s nice to have lights on the rail.


Great invention: the buck converters!

Today I worked on the hardware stuff and I managed to build this circuit:


And the result is:


But what is this and why do we need it? Or, do we need it at all? Keep reading, and you will find the answers for all these questions!

Buck converters

In our future plans the layout will have some signaling lamps beside the tracks, and these signals need 12V to operate. But our chosen embedded systems, the BeagleBone Black cards need only 5V. Therefore, if we want only one power source which feeds all these devices, then we need to scale down
12V to 5V somehow.

Intermezzo: why would we use only one power source? It’s really simple: it makes the wiring simpler, there will be no more power sources and power lines, and the power loss on the wires will be no harm for us. Furthermore, it makes the future maintenance lot more easier.

With linear voltage regulators this would waste 7V on heat, and that means we will have efficiency of ~41%. Just waste of energy!

About 6 months earlier, I’ve started searching on Youtube for channels working with electronics, and I must admit that the whole idea came from this video:

So buck converters do a little magic trick: they get an input
voltage and they transform it up or down to higher or lower voltage –
with really high efficiency (about 90%). This is a very good news for us,
because that’s what we want and we can’t find a better solution for this purpose!

Some measurements – only for the hardcore readers

So, after I put the layout together I made some measurements. First, I connected the BeagleBone card to my power supply directly without any buck converters. That’s what I measured:


In this case it’s clear, that the output voltage is 4.99V and the card consums 310mA.

Then I added our new prototype as you can see in the following picture:


On the image you can see that the BeagleBone is connected to the output of the buck converter, and the buck converter is connected to the power supply by the black and red hook. Then I started to turn up the voltage on the power supply:


At 7,78V the current consumption is started to decrease…


And that’s what I am talking about! If we supply our card from 12V, it consumes only 70mA, only 22% of the original consumption!

Do the math (don’t hate me)

First, let’s Google the definition of Electric power:

The electric power in watts produced by an electric current I consisting of a charge of Q coulombs every t seconds passing through an electric potential (voltage) difference of V is:


Then some calculation:

  1. If consumption is 0.3A on 5V, our system will consume 0,3A*5V=1.5W power on each BeagleBone card.
  2. but, if it consumes only 0.07A on 12V, then the power consumption is 0.07A*12V=0.84W.

This is 45% more efficient than the other solution, and we just saved 0.66W power on each BeagleBone. That’s where I became so happy that I started to write this entry, so… the story ends here. Thanks for your attention, I hope you found this entry useful!


What this project was all about

Before we start to post videos, photos and other stuff about this project, I may say something about this project’s history.

It started back in 2014, when we jumped into a project to desing embedded systems and a model railway demonstrator. So with one of our member, Benedek, we started to build something. We literally had no experience with embedded systems neither with model railways, so the first attempt to create this system – let’s be honest – failed. We wanted to use model based techniques for the development, but we were not able to upload any complex, generated code to the system, which was based on Arduino Ethernet boards. We could only use hand-written code with small complexity.

Intermezzo: why we choose Arduino for the first place? Because I was the one who had some experience with embedded systems, and I only knew Arduino, and needles to say, I was convinced that it would do the work.

Furthermore, these units (like one on the picture) were so customized ones that even uploading code was a disaster – I don’t know what we did wrong, but our serial-converters which needed to upload the code were starting to die after a short time of usage.

But, either way we managed to implement an interface for the layout to be able to stop trains. We could read from the layout where the trains were, but nothing more. So our safety logic was a bit harsh with the trains – they had to be stopped a lot. This was the time when we realized that we need the proper hardware for this project. And then we could speak about any further developments.

Researchers’ Night (Kutatók éjszakája in Hungarian)

But, we worked a lot, we had some results in the field, so we went to the Researchers’ Night to present the system. There we showed this small and stupid system to people, we talked about it, showed it to kids and adults and tried to brought them closer to IT. And grab their attention.


It was a huge success, I think I could say that they loved it (especially the kids). We were really happy with the feedbacks, so we decided to enhance our system, change the components and the software and to build a completely new sytem on top of the former experiences.

And that’s where the IoT Challenge came across.

Because when we heard about this challenge we decided – we are getting back to square one, start to redesign everything (beside the track), start to make better plans, make more research about embedded systems, modern techniques and make a project which could be really used to demonstrate the model based development of complex systems.
